Nurjahan Premium Basmati Rice is unique; it has a different taste and aroma from the normal rice you consume. The word "basmati" means "fragrant" or "packed with flavor."
Basmati rice comes in white and brown varieties and has a distinctive aroma and a mild flavor. While white basmati rice is processed, it has been stripped of its hull, bran, and germ. Brown basmati rice is not processed. Only the hull has been removed.
The following are the health benefits of Nurjahan Premium Basmati Rice:
1. It is good for diabetics
Generally, diabetics are advised not to eat rice due to its high glycemic index (GI), which can cause blood sugar levels to rise and fall suddenly. However, basmati rice has a very low GI, between 50 and 58. Diabetics may choose to eat this rice on occasion.
2. It is rich in fiber
In addition to its high fiber content, basmati rice adds bulk to the stomach and helps move waste through the digestive tract. Doctors recommend a high fiber diet to prevent type 2 diabetes and aid bowel movements.
3. It lowers the risk of developing heart disease.
Whole grains, including brown basmati rice, are linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and low cholesterol levels.
4. It lowers cancer risk
As was already noted, brown rice has a lot of fiber, which has been associated with a lower risk of various cancers, particularly colon cancer.
5. It supports mental health
Vitamin B, particularly thiamine, is abundant in basmati rice (B12). One serving of this vitamin provides around 22% of your daily vitamin requirement.
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